  • Publishing English Literacy Workbooks for Spanish-Speaking Teens and Adults for Over 30 Years

Fisher Hill Publishers



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In last week’s blog, I suggested drinking more water would be a good New Year’s resolution. Another good resolution would be to Exercise in the New Year.

The Mayo Clinic says if you want to feel better, have more energy and add years to your life then just exercise!

The Mayo Clinic gives six reasons why exericse can lead to a happier, healthier you.

Reason #1

Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. You do not need to take regular trips to the gym, instead just be more active during the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a little farther from your destination. Consistency is the key.

Reason #2

Exercise keeps your blood flowing which decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Regular exercise helps prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, different types of cancer, arthritis and falls.

Reason #3

A brisk 30 minute walk can give you an emotional lift or blow off steam after a stressful day.

Reason #4

Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance.

Reason #5

Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. Just don’t do exercise too close to bedtime, or you may be too energized to fall asleep.

Reason #6

Exercise can be fun and social. Find a physical activity you enjoy and then do it.

Remember, you don’t have to join an expensive gym. Just get out there and start walking!

Learning something new is also a good New Year’s Resolution. Visit our website at www.Fisher-Hill.com to learn more about our workbooks for Spanish-speaking teens and adults who want to learn English.

English for the Spanish Reader - Exercise

Fisher Hill has an excellent English literacy program for Spanish-speaking teens and adults who want to learn how to read and write in English. How does our literacy program work? We have four different series in our literacy program. Each series has six volumes. Each volume is a workbook. These four series can be used in conjunction with each other. The very first book to use would be English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker Book 1. This series introduces students to reading in English. The series uses a very systematic, explicit approach to teaching the forty-four speech sounds used in the English language. After completing English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker Book 1, students are ready to practice their beginning reading skills by using English Reading Comprehension for the Spanish Speaker Book 1. They can also begin practicing writing by using English Writing Composition for the Spanish Speaker Book 1. English Vocabulary for the Spanish Speaker Book 1 reviews the vocabulary presented in English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker Book 1. After completing the Book Ones in the series, students can begin the Book Twos. The four series, each with six workbooks, were written to be used together. By using the four series together, students get a good foundation in English literacy.

Adults like our workbooks because the pace is reasonable, print is large, directions are in Spanish, there’s lots of pictures but the content is for adults. Teachers like our books because everything is ready to go! There’s an answer key at the the end of each lesson and an English translation of the Spanish directions at the end of each book. Please visit our website – Fisher-hill.com.