  • Publishing English Literacy Workbooks for Spanish-Speaking Teens and Adults for Over 30 Years

Fisher Hill Publishers

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Summer is a Good Time to Prepare for the U.S. Citizenship Test

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Fisher Hill has two easy to use workbooks to help Spanish speakers prepare for the U.S. Citizenship Test.  The workbooks are called U.S. Citizenship for Spanish Speakers Books 1 and 2. The workbooks help Spanish speakers pass the English writing, reading and civics portions of the U.S. Citizenship Exam.  To pass these three sections, the applicant must be able to write correctly one sentence dictated by the interviewer; read out loud correctly one sentence given by the interviewer; answer six out of ten of the civics questions given by the interviewer.  Applicants will have three opportunities to write correctly a dictated sentence and three opportunities to read out loud correctly a sentence given by the interviewer.

U.S. Citizenship for the Spanish Speaker Book 1 provides information and practice to help pass the American Government questions on the Civics test. Book 1 also provides practice to help pass the reading and writing tests. Workbook 2 provides information and practice to help pass the American History and Integrated Civics questions on the Civics test. Book 2 also provides practice to help pass the reading and writing tests.  The Civics Test includes 100 questions about government, history and integrated civics.  Applicants will be asked 10 questions.  The Civics test is an oral test.    One or more of the 10 civics questions may be about the current people holding different government offices.  Applicants will need to know the names of these people holding the current government offices.

Summer is a good time to practice and prepare for the U.S. Citizenship Test.

U.S. Citizenship Workbooks for Spanish Speakers

If you have any questions about our U.S. Citizenship for Spanish Speakers series, please email us at [email protected].  Go online at www.Fisher-Hill.com to see all of our workbooks.



Vocabulario en inglés para el hispanohablante

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Fisher Hill ofrece un excelente programa de alfabetización en inglés para adolescentes y adultos de habla hispana. El programa consta de seis niveles. 

Cada nivel tiene cuatro libros de trabajo:

un libro de trabajo de lectura y ortografía

  un libro de trabajo de comprensión de lectura

un libro de trabajo de composición 

un libro de trabajo de vocabulario.

Cada nivel comienza con el libro de trabajo de lectura y ortografía, que enseña a los estudiantes destrezas de decodificación y ortografía.  Los libros de trabajo de comprensión de la lectura y de redacción ayudan a los estudiantes a desarrollar destrezas de comprensión y escritura.  El libro de trabajo de vocabulario revisa el vocabulario para ese nivel.  Cuando los estudiantes terminan los seis niveles, tienen una excelente base de alfabetización en inglés.

La serie Vocabulario en inglés para el hispanohablante se escribió para ayudar a quienes hablan español a mejorar su vocabularioen inglés.  

Vocabulario en inglés para el hispanohablante Libro 1 refuerza el vocabulario presentado en Lectura y ortografía en inglés para el hispanohablante – Libro 1, Comprensión de lectura en inglés para el hispanohablante – Libro 1 yComposición en inglés para el hispanohablante – Libro 1.Vocabulario en inglés para el hispanohablante Libro 2 refuerza el vocabulario presentado en Lectura y ortografía en inglés para el hispanohablante – Libro 2, Comprensión de lectura en inglés para el hispanohablante – Libro 2 yComposición en inglés para el hispanohablante – Libro 2, etcétera.

Esta serie es bilingüe: las instrucciones están en español con traducciones al inglés.  Las traducciones al inglés de las instrucciones en español se encuentran en las últimas páginas del libro.  En estas páginas también se encuentra una clave de respuestas.  

Al aumentar su vocabulario en inglés, las personas de habla hispana mejorarán su comprensión en lectura y comprensión auditiva, y además fortalecerán sus destrezas de escritura y habla en inglés.  Las buenas destrezas de vocabulario ayudan a las personas a visualizar. La visualización les ayuda a recordar lo que leyeron o escucharon.

A los adultos les gustan nuestros cuadernos de ejercicios porque tienen un ritmo razonable, letra grande, instrucciones en español y muchas ilustraciones, pero el contenido es para adultos. A los maestros les gustan nuestros cuadernos porque ¡ya tienen todo listo! Al final de cada lección hay una clave de respuestas, y al final de cada cuaderno se encuentra la traducción al inglés de las instrucciones en español.

Visite nuestro sitio web en www.Fisher-Hill.com para ver todos nuestros cuadernos de ejercicios electrónicos.

English Reading and Spelling Workbooks for Spanish Speakers

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Fisher Hill has a six workbook series called English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker. This reading and spelling ESL workbook series is for Spanish-speaking teens and adults. The six workbooks were written to help Spanish speakers learn to read and spell in English.  The workbooks use Orton Gillingham methods to teach reading and spelling.  Orton Gillingham uses a very systematic, structured, explicit, and multisensory approach to teach the forty-four English speech sounds to read and spell. The workbooks provide practice with phonemic awareness, which is the ability to identify individual sounds and their order within words.  Learning the different speech sounds will help students read and spell in English fluently.  Eighty-five percent (85%) of words in English are phonetic.  The workbooks also present many of the commonly used words, called sight words, that are not phonetic.

The workbooks are bilingual since the word list for each lesson is presented in English and Spanish.  There are pictures to go with many of the words in the lists. Each lesson emphasizes one or two new speech sounds.  The vowel sounds in English are different than those in Spanish, but many of the English consonant sounds are similar to those in Spanish. Most consonants in English have one sound. Vowels can make several speech sounds.  Sometimes the letter “y” is used as a vowel. 

Words are made up of syllables (units of pronunciation).  Some words have one syllable, others have two or more syllables.  Every syllable must have a vowel sound.  If a word has three syllables then it has three vowel sounds.

Each lesson’s word list begins with words that contain the speech sound that is being emphasized in that lesson.  The last two words in the list are sight words.

Practicing English speech sounds, sight words, and their spellings will help Spanish speakers learn English reading and spelling.

In English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker Books 4, 5, and 6, prefixes and suffixes are introduced and practiced.

On our website, there are placement tests to determine which level a student should begin.  A student needs a score of 80% on the placement test to go to the next level. For example, if a student gets 60% on the placement test for level one, then that student needs to begin with level one with English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker Book 1. Each level begins with the Reading and Spelling workbook.

These placement tests can be found under Teacher Resources on our website www.Fisher-Hill.com.  Teacher Resources can be found on the top tool bar.  Click on Teacher Resources, then click on Reading and Spelling.  Then scroll down to the placement tests. The placement tests are called Sound Spelling Placement Test Book 1 and so forth. Sound Spelling Placement Test Book 1 is for level one.  The Sound Spelling Placement Tests are spelling tests to determine if a student has mastered the sounds for that level.  The teacher or volunteer gives the spelling test to the student.  There are also student test forms under Teacher Resources.

There are other teacher resources for these reading and spelling ESL workbooks on our website.  There is a Scope and Sequence to help you use the series. There are Word and Sentence Practice pages and Word Chains to help with fluency.

English reading and spelling for teens and adults ESL workbooks

Visit us on line at www.Fisher-Hill.com to learn more about our English Reading and Spelling for Spanish Speakerworkbooks which are part of our English literacy program for Spanish-speaking teens and adults.

English Vocabulary for Spanish Speakers

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English Vocabulary for Spanish Speakers

Soon Fisher Hill’s English Vocabulary for the Spanish Speaker workbooks will be available to download from our website at www.Fisher-Hill.com.

The purpose of these workbooks is to help Spanish speakers improve their English vocabulary. English Vocabulary for Spanish Speakers Book 1 reinforces the vocabulary presented in English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker Book 1, English Reading Comprehension for the Spanish Speaker Book 1, and English Writing Composition for the Spanish Speaker Book 1 .A few new words are presented in English Vocabulary for the Spanish Speaker Book 1,so an English-Spanish dictionary would be helpful. Each of the six English Vocabulary for the Spanish Speaker workbooks reviews the vocabulary presented at each level. There are six levels in Fisher Hill’s English Literacy Program for Spanish-speaking teens and adults.  Each level has four workbooks:

Reading and Spelling

Reading Comprehension

Writing Composition


Every workbook in the program is bilingual.  The directions are in Spanish.  THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE SPANISH DIRECTIONS IS LOCATED AT THE BACK OF EACH WORKBOOK. There is also an Answer Key at the back of each book.  

Spanish speakers increasing their English vocabulary will improve their English reading and listening comprehension and also strengthen their English writing and speaking skills. Good vocabulary skills help people visualize. Visualization helps people remember what is read or heard.

Fisher Hill Publishers, English Vocabulary for Spanish Speakers, English Literacy for Spanish Speaking Teens and Adults

If you have questions about Fisher Hill’s English Literacy Program for Spanish-speaking teens and adults, you can email your questions to [email protected] and we will respond within 24 hours.

Fisher Hill Publishers, English Vocabulary for Spanish Speakers, English Literacy for Spanish Speaking Teens and Adults

Visit us at www.Fisher-Hill.com to view our workbooks for our English Literacy Program.  There are sample lessons from each workbook that can be downloaded.

Structured Literacy

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Structured Literacy

Fisher Hill’s English Literacy Program is soon going to be available on line.  The twenty-four workbooks in the program will be available to be downloaded from our website at www.Fisher-Hill.com.  Fisher Hill’s English Literacy Program is designed for Spanish speakers who want to learn to read, spell and write in English. Spanish speakers from around the world will be able to use Fisher Hill’s structured literacy program to become literate in English.

Structured literacy uses systematic and explicit methods to teach decoding and word identification. Structured literacy is beneficial to all students but especially to students who have had difficulty learning to read and spell.  

Structured literacy teaches phonology, sound-symbol, syllables, morphology, syntax and semantics. Phonology is the study of the sound structure in spoken words. This includes phonemic awarenes which is the ability to distinguish, segment, blend and manipulate sounds in words.

Structured literacy teaches sound-symbol association which is the alphabetic principle: to associate sounds with letters.

Structured literacy teaches syllables. Knowing the six syllable types helps students associate vowel spellings with vowel sounds.  Syllable division rules help students to divide and decode unfamiliar words, especially longer words.

tructured literacy teaches syllables. Knowing the six syllable types helps students associate vowel spellings with vowel sounds.  Syllable division rules help students to divide and decode unfamiliar words, especially longer words.

Structured literacy teaches morphology which is the study of  the meanings of the smallest units of language.  Studying base words and affixes help students decode and understand the meanings of complex words.

Structured literacy teaches syntax which is the principles that dictate the sequence and function of words in sentences. This includes grammar, sentence structure and the mechanics of language (spelling, captalization, punctuation).

Structure literacy ESL workbooks for Spanish-speaking Bilingual teens and adults teaches, semantics which is concerned with meaning.  This includes comprehension of written language. 

Structured literacy uses systematic, cumulative, explicit and diagnostic priniciples to teach reading and spelling. This approach is very effective to all students, especially those who have difficulty learning to read and spell.

Students like our workbooks because the pace is reasonable, print is large, there’s lots of pictures but the content is for older students and adults.  Teachers like our books because everything is ready to go! There’s an answer key at the the end of each lesson and an English translation of the Spanish directions at the end of each book.

Structured Literacy ESL Workbooks for Spanish-Speaking - Fisher Hill

Visit our website at www.Fisher-Hill.com to learn more about our English Literacy Program that will soon be available to be downloaded from our website.  If you have any questions about our English Literacy Program, please email us at [email protected].

Reading Comprehension Ebooks from Fisher Hill

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Fisher Hill continues to make available its workbooks for Spanish-speaking teens and adults as ebooks that can be downloaded from our website.  The English for the Spanish Speaker series and the English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker series is already available as ebooks.  These two series are also still available as hardcopy workbooks that can be bought online.  

In February 2019, English Reading Comprehension for the Spanish Speaker series will be available as ebooks to be downloaded from our website. The hardcopy workbooks will still be available for purchase from our website. 

The English Reading Comprehension for the Spanish Speaker workbooks are made up of twenty lessons.  Lessons include practice with fluency, vocabulary, visualization, comprehension, phonology and phonics.  There is an answer key at the end of each lesson. 

Reading smoothly (fluency) is an important skill.  Fluency allows readers to think about what they are reading instead of having to think about sounding out words. Decoding skills need to be learned and practiced so these skills become automatic when reading words.  Visualizing (making pictures in your head) helps readers remember what they have read. Good vocabulary skills help readers visualize.  Readers cannot visualize a word if they do not know its meaning. All of these skills:  fluency, visualizing, vocabulary, and decoding are necessary for reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension is the goal of reading.  Reading is an essential skill for jobs and daily life.  Many people enjoy reading and say it is one of their favorite pastimes. Others read only when it is necessary. Whichever the case may be, everyone needs to know how to read. Learning to read comes more easily to some people than others.  Most people need to be taught how to read.  It is different from learning to talk.  Learning to read can be very difficult for some people but with practice, most everyone can learn to read.

On our website, there are sample lessons from these workbooks that can download.

Fisher Hill offers English Reading Comprehension for Spanish Speakers, English Reading and Spelling for teens and adults. Get Free ESL sample lessons today.

Visit us on line at www.Fisher-Hill.com to view our English Reading Comprehension for the Spanish Speakerworkbooks.

Say Merry Christmas with an Ebook!

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Say Merry Christmas with an EBook!


 Fisher Hill’s English for the Spanish Speaker series has helped thousands of Spanish-speaking teens and adults learn English. There are four workbooks in the series each workbook has stories, activities, conversations, vocabulary lists, games, dictionaries and answer keys.

These workbooks are now EBooks.  These electronic books make great Christmas gifts because there is no shipping involved.  Just download the book!

Each workbook has a CD that can also be downloaded. Each CD includes the vocabulary lists, conversations, and stories from the books. Students can listen to the pronunciation of the words for each lesson.

Each workbook has eight lessons.  The lessons in workbooks 1 and 2 are about everyday themes.  Workbooks 3 and 4 have lessons about everyday themes and also lessons about U.S. history and government. These workbooks can be used to help people pass the U.S. Citizenship Test.

Adults like our workbooks because the pace is reasonable, print is large, directions are in Spanish, and the content is for adults.  Teachers like our books because everything is ready to go!

For over 20 years, people have used English for the Spanish Speaker series to  learn English and also U.S. history and government.

If you have a parent, friend or relative who needs to learn English, these workbooks make great Christmas gifts.  You can also order these books as a hard copy.  Go online to see the books.  When you log in to www.Fisher-Hill.com, you will see two yellow English for the Spanish Speaker books.  Click on the first one if you want information in Spanish or click on the second book if you want information in English.

English for the Spanish Speaker

Have a very Merry Christmas with family and friends.

Learning to Read for the Entire Family

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Learning to Read for the Entire Family


Fisher Hill’s new e-book, Reading and Spelling Book 1, is a good workbook for the entire family.  The entire family can use this workbook to learn to read and spell.

Each lesson begins with a word list.  Many of these words can also be used as vocabulary words.

The next page in the lesson works with high frequency words. These words are often misspelled so they are presented and practiced repeatedly throughout the book.

The third page in the lessonis a fill in the blank page so students can practice using the words from the word list from the first page of the lesson and the high frequency words from the second page of the lesson. There are pictures from the first page of the lesson at the end of some of the fill in the blank sentences since many sentences could have more than one answer. Students use the pictures at the end of the sentence to know which word from the word list to use.

The fourth page of the lesson practices spelling, grammar, vocabulary or writing.

The last page of the lesson ends with a Word Search of the targeted and high frequency words from the lesson.

There are pictures to help the learner and the print is large to make the book user friendly.  None of the pages are overwhelming.  The pace is reasonable, so everyone can enjoy the workbook.

Learning to Read for the Entire Family. Reading and Spelling Book 1

If you have any questions when using our new e-book, please email us at therst.com.  Go online at www.Fisher-Hill to see all of our workbooks.

Spanish Speakers: Learn English by Practicing 15 Minutes a Day

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Spanish Speakers: Learn English by Practicing 15 Minutes a Day


Learning a new language can be overwhelming especially if you’re older.  Fisher Hill has four easy to use workbooks to help Spanish speakers learn English.  Use our workbooks 15 minutes a day to help you learn English.  Set your timer so you know you will be doing this for just 15 minutes.  Everyone is so busy!  But tell yourself, you are going to put aside 15 minutes a day to practice English.

English for the Spanish Speaker is a series of four workbooks. Each book has eight lessons.  In Books 1 and 2, the lessons are about every day activities.  In Books 3 and 4, four lessons are about every day activities and the other four are about United States history or government.  The print in the workbooks is large.  The reading level in Book 1 is at the first and second grade level.  The books get progressively more difficult.  The reading level for Book 4 is at the fourth grade reading level.  Each lesson begins with a vocabulary list, then a conversation, story, activity pages, and finally an answer key. The lessons are bilingual with the word lists, conversations, and stories presented in Spanish and English.  The directions for the activity pages are in Spanish but the activities are in English.  There are two dictionaries at the back of each workbook: a Spanish dictionary and an English dictionary. There is a CD available for each workbook so the student can listen to the vocabulary lists, conversations and stories in English.

Adults like our workbooks because the pace is reasonable, print is large, directions are in Spanish but the content is for adults.

These workbooks and CDS make excellent holiday gifts!

Spanish Speakers: Learn English by Practicing 15 Minutes a Day,.

Visit us on line as www.Fisher-Hill.com to learn more about our English for the Spanish Speaker workbooks.