  • Publishing English Literacy Workbooks for Spanish-Speaking Teens and Adults for Over 30 Years

Fisher Hill Publishers

Fisher Hill Blog

U.S. Citizenship for the Spanish Speaker 150 150 fisherhilladmin

U.S. Citizenship for the Spanish Speaker

U.S. Citizenship for the Spanish Speaker   Fisher Hill’s next book will be called U.S. Citizenship for the Spanish Speaker. It will help Spanish-speaker pass the Civics, Reading and Writing part of the Naturalization Test. U.S. Citizenship for the Spanish Speaker will be available in the winter of 2017. The book will be divided into…

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Busy Lives 150 150 fisherhilladmin

Busy Lives

Busy Lives   Everybody has busy lives! When do we have time to do anything except work, take care of children, wait in traffic, cook dinner, sit at soccer games and all the other ten thousand things we have to do? When do you have time for yourself? I’m retired now from teaching but when I was working,…

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Eating Healthy 150 150 fisherhilladmin

Eating Healthy

Eating Healthy   What does it mean to be eating healthy? I try to stay away from processed food. What is processed food? Processed foods include microwave meals and other ready made meals. The term ‘processed food’ applies to any food that has been altered from its natural state in some way, either for safety reasons or…

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Pickleball 150 150 fisherhilladmin


Pickleball   This past August, I started playing pickleball. It’s a new game. It was invented in the mid 1960’s as a children’s backyard game. Now, many older adults play the game. It is a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and Ping-Pong. You play it with a wiffle ball and paddle. The…

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Reluctant Learners 150 150 fisherhilladmin

Reluctant Learners

Reluctant Learners Reluctant Leaners: Teachers, do you have some reluctant learners in your classroom? Fisher Hill workbooks are very good for reluctant learners. I wrote these workbooks with my two boys in mind. The younger one was more opposed to school than his older brother. The younger one was not interested in most of what…

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It’s Back to School Time 150 150 fisherhilladmin

It’s Back to School Time

It’s Back to School Time   It’s Back to School Time: soon many children will be going back to school. Parents or grandparents may find they have extra time on their hands. This is a good time for Spanish-speaking parents or grandparents to practice or improve their English language skills. Fisher Hill has several good…

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August is Vacation Time 150 150 fisherhilladmin

August is Vacation Time

August is Vacation Time!   August is Vacation Time: August is a vacation month for many people. There are all types of vacations. Many people enjoy going to theme parks while others enjoy road trips. I enjoy going to a beautiful place in nature and just staying there. My family and I recently rented a…

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Feliz Cumpleaños 150 150 fisherhilladmin

Feliz Cumpleaños

Feliz Cumpleaños   Today is my birthday and I turn 64. In June, I retired from teaching so now I have all the time in the world. So what to do? I have this publishing business, I swim and hike but I know I will have to involve myself in several social activities. I definitely…

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Sitting is the New Smoking 150 150 fisherhilladmin

Sitting is the New Smoking

Sitting is the New Smoking   Dr. James Levine, a Mayo Clinic endocrinologist, coined the phrase “sitting is the new smoking.” Levine has studied the adverse effects on our increasingly sedentary lifestyles for years and says, “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more peole than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are…

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Citizenship 150 150 fisherhilladmin


Citizenship   Citizenship identifies an individual’s national origin. It defines his/her rights and responsibilities to that country (nationality). Most people have only one country of citizenship, but some can have dual nationality. U.S. citizens can be native-born, foreign-born, or naturalized. They owe their allegiance to the United States and are entitled to its protection. See…

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Becoming a US Citizen 150 150 fisherhilladmin

Becoming a US Citizen

Becoming a US Citizen   Do you know someone who is studying to become a US citizen? Fisher Hill’s next book will be USA Citizenship for the Spanish Speaker. Until that book comes out, our series English for the Spanish Speaker has lessons that will help people prepare for the US Citizenship Test and becoming…

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Meditation 150 150 fisherhilladmin


Meditation    This weekend I went to a meditation weekend at the Depok Chopra Wellness Center. I have never meditated but after today I plan to meditate once or twice a day. I’m hoping by meditating I will reduce my stress and sleep better. I am hoping meditation will give me restful awareness, help me…

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Happy 4th of July 150 150 fisherhilladmin

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July   July 4th: Independence Day of the United States, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth in the U.S., is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress declaring that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves…

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How to Register to Vote 150 150 fisherhilladmin

How to Register to Vote

How to Register to Vote   There is an important Presidential election coming up in November of this year. Are you registered to vote? You must be a US citizen and 18 years old to vote. If you are not registered, you can register on line or by mail. Visit Vote.USA.gov to find out how…

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The Opium Wars 150 150 fisherhilladmin

The Opium Wars

The Opium Wars   I am on the third book of a trilogy about the mid-19th century Opium Wars involving Anglo-Chinese disputes over British trade in China and China’s sovereignty. It is the nineteenth-century war on drugs but instead of the Colombia or Mexican cartels selling drugs it is the British selling drugs to China.…

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